Hip and Elbow Replacement Industry Expected to Grow
When hip and elbow replacements are defective, it can cause more pain and greater mobility issues than those experienced prior to surgery. A product liability attorney can help hold negligent parties liable while obtaining a fair settlement for the injured.
At Foley Law Firm, our attorneys know that manufacturers of faulty medical equipment can be held accountable. We also consider whether, with the hip and elbow replacement industry expected to grow, will it lead to more defective product suits? Our Scranton, PA, attorneys explore this question and more in this overview.
Hip and Elbow Replacements Are on the Rise
The number of hip and elbow replacement procedures performed in Scranton and the rest of the United States are expected to rise every year. The most likely reason for this growth is an aging population.
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, total hip replacements are expected to grow 171 percent by 2030 and with 635,000 hip replacements projected to be performed. In addition, the mean age of hip replacement patients decreased from 66.3 to 64.9 years old in research conducted from 2000 to 2014.
Although age is also likely a factor for an increase in elbow replacements, according to Cleveland Clinic, one of the other reasons elbow replacements are expected to increase is due to the broadening of their use.
Originally, elbow replacement products were designed to treat those with rheumatoid arthritis. Since the development of elbow replacement products, they have also been used for osteoarthritis and bone fractures, especially in older adults who typically have weaker bones or osteoporosis.
Hip and Elbow Replacement Defects May Also Rise
According to Drugwatch, from 2002 to 2013, there were over 578 recalls of hip replacement implants from six major manufacturers for defects in the devices. In contrast, only three hip replacement products were recalled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1993 and 2003.
Elbow replacements have also been recalled. The FDA recalled the DePuy Synthes elbow implant due to a piece of the implant loosening in the device after placement, which could lead to damage to the bone and surrounding tissues.
Defective hip and elbow replacement products have been an issue before, and if the number of hip and elbow replacements increases, it stands to reason that defects may also increase.
A Defective Product Lawsuit Can Help
When hip and elbow replacement products are defective, they can cause pain, reduce mobility, and potentially lead to permanent harm or damage to the surrounding bone and tissues.
Companies that sell or manufacture defective hip and elbow replacements must be held accountable to prevent harm to others. Defective product lawsuits are often an effective means of stopping the distribution and use of defective medical devices while also providing victims compensation for their pain and suffering.
Schedule a Consultation
If you live in Scranton and believe you may be a victim of a defective hip or elbow replacement, you are encouraged to call (570) 342-8194 to schedule a consultation with one of our product liability attorneys.