Medication Errors Can Cause Devastating Losses

An empty pharmaceutical pill bottle sits empty on a table When medication errors on the part of pharmacists or other medical professionals occur, the consequences can be devastating. Whether you were prescribed the wrong medication, or you were not properly informed of the side effects, you could experience serious health complications. In severe cases, medication errors can result in death. A medical malpractice lawyer can help you collect the compensation to which you are entitled. The personal injury attorneys at our Scranton and Stroudsburg, PA, offices have received state and national acclaim for the victories they have achieved on behalf of injured clients. Call (800) 523-6539 or send us a message to schedule your complimentary case review.

We will thoroughly investigate your claim, speaking to medical expert witnesses and doctors as needed.

How Do Medication Errors Occur?

Common medication errors include:

  • Prescribing the wrong medication
  • Misreading the doctor’s prescription and providing patients with a different drug
  • Prescribing or administering the wrong dosage
  • Giving the wrong instructions or failing to provide instructions
  • Dispensing medications to the wrong patients
  • Prescribing two or more drugs with adverse reactions to one another

These errors can happen for a number of reasons. Often, medical professionals are required to work long hours. Resulting fatigue makes serious errors much more likely. Other times, medical professionals are simply inattentive, bored, or poorly trained.

The Effects of Medication Errors

This specific type of negligence can result in:

  • Poisoning
  • Bleeding or hemorrhaging
  • A condition becoming worse
  • Injuries due to operating machinery or driving (if a pharmacist failed to warn patients that they should not do so when taking the drug)

Why You Need an Attorney

If you or a loved one is suffering because of a pharmaceutical error, our attorneys are ready to help. We can thoroughly investigate your claim, speaking to medical expert witnesses and doctors as needed. Then we will craft a compelling case to obtain the financial compensation that you deserve. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. If your loved one has died due to a medication error, you could also obtain damages for funeral expenses and lost financial support.

Our attorneys specialize in medical malpractice suits. They have earned a reputation for upholding victims' rights and have helped injured clients collect ample settlements and jury awards. They will keep you informed through every step of the process, and they will work tirelessly on your behalf. Though we can often settle through out-of-court negotiation, we are ready to go to trial if necessary.

Contact Us for a Case Evaluation

If you believe that you or a loved one has been injured due to a pharmaceutical error, we are ready to help. Contact us online or call (800) 523-6539 to book your consultation.

Foley Law Firm office building

Foley Law Firm

The attorneys of the Foley Law Firm provide committed personal injury representation to eastern Pennsylvania. Our firm is proud to be affiliated with prominent organizations, including:

  • Martindale-Hubbell®
  • U.S. News & Nightly Reports
  • Super Lawyers
  • Lawdragon 

If you are looking for legal representation from a top-rated personal injury law firm in Scranton, call us at (800) 523-6539 or request a consultation online.

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