Secure Compensation with the Help of a Failure to Diagnose and Misdiagnosis Lawyer

A misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose can cause a patient's health to sharply decline and could even result in death. Our firm has secured settlements of up to $700,000 for clients who have suffered due to a doctor's failure to properly diagnose their or a loved one's condition. Contact our Scranton, PA, firm by calling one of our locations or filling out our online form to discuss your case with one of our seasoned medical malpractice attorneys

Understanding Misdiagnosis & Failure to Diagnose

Misdiagnosis and failure to diagnosis are common medical malpractice case types that are attributed to neglectful behavior by a doctor when evaluating your health. A failure to diagnose is when the doctor neglects to diagnose the condition at all. A misdiagnosis on the other hand is when a doctor comes to the incorrect conclusion about a patient's health. These mistakes can result in:

  • Improper treatment
  • Progression of a preexisting illness or disease
  • Death

Inarguably, both of these circumstances can have devastating effects on the victim's life, especially those with cancer or other serious conditions.

two doctors reviewing an x-ray

How Does This Occur?

Doctors are held to a medical standard of care which requires them to provide the level and type of care that an equally qualified physician would have provided in the same circumstances. This may include:

  • Running a full spectrum of tests 
  • Exploring and ruling out any potential alternatives
  • Evaluating all symptoms
  • Providing adequate monitoring

When they do not meet these expectations, they may be considered negligent for their actions which have caused a patient unnecessary suffering. You can rest assured that our attorneys will thoroughly investigate these aspects when building your case.

Pursuing Full Compensation

We believe every client deserves full compensation for all aspects of their life that have been affected by misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose. As your health declines, you may begin to accumulate mounting medical expenses, become unable to work, and experience unbearable physical and mental duress.

While you focus on your health, we will vigorously pursue restitution including damages for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral costs in cases of wrongful death

Having a skilled personal injury lawyer by your side can be invaluable. 

Misdiagnosis Testimonial

Foley Law Firm will fight for you when no one else will.

Why Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Medical malpractice cases can become rapidly complex and overwhelming for those who are inexperienced in the legal system. You will often be contending with hospitals and large organizations that have the financial means to endure a long legal battle.

Foley Law Firm has secured settlements of up to $700,000 for clients who have suffered due to a doctor's failure to properly diagnose their or a loved one's condition.

Additionally, immunity issues, deadlines, and paperwork can be confusing and disqualify your case if not handled properly. Our established legal team is very familiar with laws and processes that can impact the outcome of your case and will ensure that everything legal is taken care of in the most effective manner while you focus on your health.

Representing Your Best Interests

For nearly 40 years, our firm has been protecting the interests of victims of medical malpractice. We will plan a personalized strategy that empowers you and helps you establish a financially secure future. To schedule a consultation with one of our compassionate personal injury attorneys at our Scranton or Stroudsburg, PA, office, contact us online today.

Foley Law Firm office building

Foley Law Firm

The attorneys of the Foley Law Firm provide committed personal injury representation to eastern Pennsylvania. Our firm is proud to be affiliated with prominent organizations, including:

  • Martindale-Hubbell®
  • U.S. News & Nightly Reports
  • Super Lawyers
  • Lawdragon 

If you are looking for legal representation from a top-rated personal injury law firm in Scranton, call us at (800) 523-6539 or request a consultation online.

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